In the bustling city, Little Sweet Pea seems to be the freshness that breaks through the world. This time, she brought us a unique set of high heels and oily stockings.
The high heels she chose were classic black, not so much to increase her height as to perfectly show off her slender legs. The shiny fleshy strands add a bit of sexiness and mystery to these beautiful legs.
In the video, Little Sweet Pea dances lightly to the retro background music, and every tiny movement is captured by the camera. When she gently wiggles her toes, the shiny socks seem to sparkle; when she walks, the sound of the high heels touching the ground seems to tell a story that belongs to an urban woman.
In the pictures and videos, Xiao Tiandou shows the independence, confidence and charm of urban women. Not only that, she also shows us how to make simple outfit combinations fashionable and feminine.
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