婧児小主 | 晓G裸足高跟凉鞋放松解压蟋蟀 碾死随意的踩杀消遣 字幕版

婧児小主 | 晓G裸足高跟凉鞋放松解压蟋蟀 碾死随意的踩杀消遣 字幕版 4

婧児小主Crush视频下载 | 晓G裸足高跟凉鞋放松解压蟋蟀 碾死随意的踩杀消遣 字幕版

今天在家闲着没事干  就踩点小虫子玩一玩 反正这只小虫子就应该死在我的脚下 像这样 嗯 还想跑 这些恶心的虫子怎么可能 逃得过我的脚下  看嘛内脏都被我铲出来

婧児小主 | 晓G裸足高跟凉鞋放松解压蟋蟀 碾死随意的踩杀消遣 字幕版 5

我最喜欢踩虫子的时候  他们内脏被我踩爆发出  砰砰的声音 一只一只的全部踩爆 甚至尸体还会粘在我的鞋子下面 哎喂  怎么了 哎我也没什么事情做 闲着没事在家里踩虫子玩呢 我呀我平常最喜欢的就是踩虫子呢 嗯让他们在我脚下 都有一只一只的踩爆身体 你在家干嘛呢 没事我们可以一起踩虫子玩啊  我都是怎么踩的呀  我一般就是一只  接一只的把它们放在我的脚下  一只一只的踩爆呗  有时候还会折磨呢  就是轻轻的踩住 然后这时候虫子还没死  在慢慢的把这些虫子给碾碎  他们的尸体很容易被碾碎的  轻轻松松就可以踩成肉酱  你不会的话下次我可以教你  我们两个一起踩虫子 把他们碾成肉酱   就是一些低贱的虫子嘛  嗯我有时候也会两只一起踩  用两只脚把它们踩在脚下  然后使劲的按摩 把它们踩成肉酱 踩成肉泥哈哈哈 哎反正闲着也没事干  就只好踩点小虫子开心开心喽  你不知道这些虫子的尸体还会粘  在我的脚下呢  粘在我的鞋底上 我也会跺呀  把这些虫子跺成肉酱跺成肉泥  两只一起一脚一个  我最喜欢 看这些虫子被我踩爆浆的感觉 虫子在我的脚下全都被我踩爆浆 哈哈我要踩死很多很多的虫子  然后把他们的尸体 收拾在一起 清理一下地面 好继续踩  看这么多虫子的尸体 我呀想怎么踩就怎么踩了  站着踩坐着踩 尸体都会粘在我的鞋底  你平时都是怎么踩的呀 什么时候有机会 我们一起踩踩虫子玩一玩呢  哈哈看看是你踩的多还是我踩的多 肯定是我采的多呀  死在我脚下的虫子已经有8万多只了
我每次都要踩很多呢  我可是很有经验的  这些虫子对我来说 就只是我脚下的玩具 无聊的时候就会踩他们玩  你也可以和我一样 对这些虫子来说 我可是高贵的人
他们就只配被我踩在脚底下 一只接一只的被我踩爆  然后恶心的尸体粘在我的脚下  有什么好玩的 我就教你一个好玩的吧 嗯就是多放几只 然后在地上看  把他们一个一个的全都踩死  嗯哈哈这个就很好玩啊  一看就他想跑  然后被一只一只一只一只踩死的感觉   主宰着他们的生命   我也主宰着他们的生命  呦你看我这踩着虫子还想跑呢  面对这种想跑的虫子  就要一脚把他跺烂  让他知道我的厉害  只不过是一个渺小的虫子而已  怎么还敢跑呢哈哈哈  看呐一下就跺烂了  实在是太渺小太脆弱
一定要多清理清理地面  你知道为什么吗  这样踩的每一只虫子才会特别的刺激  看着一只一只的在脚下爆浆 多刺激啊  嗯没事做就踩虫子喽 踩虫子才不会无聊而且还特别有趣  你什么时候可以来我家  我们一起踩  你不是也很想学着踩虫子吗 我会把我的脚法全都交给你的 毕竟我已经踩死了这么多虫子 很有经验 踩死他们 踩扁他们
把他们踩成肉酱  踩成肉泥 用这些虫子的肉泥  来保养我的高跟鞋鞋底 我不光会穿高跟凉鞋踩他们 还会穿高跟鞋平底鞋各种鞋 让我 每一双鞋子上面都粘着他们的尸体
哈哈哈哈  他们的这些尸体都是我的战利品  把他们当成玩具  当成垃圾  当成废墟尘埃  这样把他们踩在脚下  我喜欢一个一个踩还是一群一群踩~? 我都喜欢  我平常就是看心情了  有时候就一只一只踩 有时候就一堆一堆的  但是肯定是会一个接一个 让他们全都死在我的脚下  哎这些卑贱的虫子能死在我的脚下 也是他们的荣幸
踩虫子的感觉真的是太好 看这还有一只想跑  两只脚一起把这些虫子全都碾烂  你是不是很想看看这些虫子在我脚下 被我踩死的场景呢嗯  等一下我会拍照 给你看看我踩死了这些虫子的尸体 嗯  他们会全部粘在我的鞋底上 这些恶心的虫子 我现在在坐着踩呢 踩虫子的乐趣就是想站着就站着  想坐着就坐着喽 随便踩毕竟他们就只是脚下的玩具  听着虫子在我脚下爆浆的声音  真的是特别悦耳 你听到了吗  你听到虫子在我脚下爆浆的声音了吗 哈哈哈  我现在又要清理他们的尸体了~ 嗯这些恶心的虫子  竟然想粘在我的鞋底上  我要把它们全都清理清理 嗯再继续踩他们  你最近有没有好好的练习踩虫子呀 嗯 下次我可要检查检查了 看看你是不是也像我一样
这么熟练的把虫子踩死在脚下  嗯还想跑  那种调皮的虫子就要用力的踩死 跺死跺烂  跺成肉泥  什么时候还可以一起逛街 然后我会装一些虫子  我们一边逛街一边踩着玩  我现  在正在一个一个的把他们丢在地上 全都踩烂了 一个接一个   一个接一个全都碾烂碾碎 啊先不跟你说了 等一下  再打给你好了 我现在要收拾收拾地面什么的
没空跟你说  有机会来我家一起踩虫子吧  我家可是有很多虫子呢  让我们慢慢踩 慢慢的 玩

婧児小主 | 晓G裸足高跟凉鞋放松解压蟋蟀 碾死随意的踩杀消遣 字幕版 6

I have nothing to do at home today, so I stepped on some small bugs and played with them. Anyway, this little bug should have died under my feet. Like this, you want to run away. How can these disgusting bugs escape from my feet? Look, their internal organs have been shoveled by me. come out
What I like most is when I step on bugs, their internal organs make a banging sound when I step on them. They all explode one by one. Even the corpses are stuck under my shoes. Hey, what’s wrong? I have nothing to do. I have nothing to do. I’m playing on bugs at home. My favorite thing is to step on bugs. Well, let them crush their bodies one by one under my feet. What are you doing at home? It’s okay. We can play on bugs together. How do I do it? Yeah, I usually just put them under my feet one by one and stomp them one by one. Sometimes I even torture them. I just step on them lightly. At this time, the bugs are not dead yet, and I slowly destroy them. The insects can be crushed. Their corpses can be easily crushed and turned into meat paste. If you don’t know how, I can teach you next time. The two of us can step on the bugs together and grind them into meat paste. They are just some lowly insects. Well, sometimes I would step on both of them together, use both feet to step on them, and then massage them vigorously until they become meat paste. Hahahaha. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I have to step on some small bugs and be happy. You don’t know that the corpses of these bugs will still stick to my feet. Sticking to the soles of my shoes, I will also stomp these bugs into meat paste and stomp them into meat paste. Two of them will be kicked together and one will be kicked. I like to watch these bugs being covered up. I feel like the bugs are exploding under my feet. Haha, I want to step on many bugs to death and then collect their corpses together to clean the ground so that I can continue to step on the corpses of so many bugs. What do I want to do? Just step on them as you please. If you stand, sit, or step on corpses, they will stick to the soles of my shoes. How do you usually step on them? When will we have a chance to step on bugs together? Haha, let’s see if you step more or I will. There must be more than I picked. There are already more than 80,000 bugs dead under my feet.
I have to step on a lot every time. I am very experienced. To me, these bugs are just toys under my feet. When I am bored, I will step on them to play. You can also be like me. To these bugs, I am a noble person.
They only deserve to be trampled under my feet. One by one, I trample them to pieces, and then their disgusting corpses stick to my feet. What’s fun? I’ll teach you a fun one. Well, just put a few more and watch them on the ground. Trample them all to death one by one. Haha, this is very fun. At first glance, he wants to run away and then is trampled to death one by one. The feeling dominates their lives and I dominate their lives. Look. I’m stepping on an insect and still want to run. When facing an insect that wants to run, I have to stomp it to pieces to let it know that I’m just a tiny insect. How dare I run? Hahaha, just look at it. It’s too small and fragile to be stomped to pieces.
You must clean up the ground more. Do you know why? This way, every bug you step on will be particularly exciting. Watching one by one explode under your feet is so exciting. Well, if you have nothing to do, just step on bugs. Stepping on bugs will not be boring. And It’s also very interesting. When can you come to my house and let’s step on them together? Don’t you also want to learn how to step on bugs? I will leave all my footwork to you. After all, I have already stepped on so many bugs and am very experienced in stepping on them. flatten them
Trample them into meat paste and use the paste of these insects to maintain the soles of my high-heeled shoes. Not only will I wear high-heeled sandals to step on them, I will also wear high-heeled shoes and flat shoes of all kinds. They will stick to every pair of my shoes. corpse
Hahahaha, these corpses are my trophies. Treat them as toys, treat them as garbage, treat them as ruins and dust, and trample them under my feet. Do I like to trample them one by one or in groups~? I like them all. I usually just depend on my mood. Sometimes I just step on them one by one, sometimes they just pile up. But I will definitely let them all die at my feet one after another. These despicable bugs can die under my feet. It is also their honor to be at their feet
The feeling of stepping on bugs is really beautiful. There is another one who wants to run and crush all these bugs with two feet. Do you really want to see the scene of these bugs being trampled to death under my feet? Well, I will take pictures in a moment. Let me show you the corpses of these bugs that I crushed to death. Well, they will all stick to the soles of my shoes. These disgusting bugs are what I am sitting on now. The fun of stepping on bugs is to stand as long as you want. Sit as you want. After all, they are just toys under my feet. Listening to the sound of bugs exploding under my feet is really sweet. Did you hear the sound of bugs exploding under my feet? Hahaha, I have to clean them again now. Dead body~ Well, these disgusting bugs actually want to stick to the soles of my shoes. I need to clean them all up. Then continue to step on them. Have you practiced stepping on bugs recently? Well, I will have to check you next time. Are you like me?
You are so skilled at crushing bugs to death under your feet. If you want to run away, you have to crush those naughty bugs so hard that they will be crushed to pieces. When can we still go shopping together? Then I will pretend to be some bugs and we will step on them while shopping. I’m currently throwing them to the ground one by one and crushing them all. One after another, I won’t tell you. I’ll call you later. Now I have to clean up the ground and so on.
I don’t have time to tell you. If you have a chance, come to my house and stamp on bugs together. There are a lot of bugs in my house. Let’s stamp on them slowly and play slowly.
Let her also study hard
I’m going to catch some more bugs and come back to stomp them again.
Look, step on it lightly
My internal organs were stepped on and exploded.
This sweet sound
It sounds so good
All these little bugs have died under my feet
I was trampled to pieces
This shit will be stuck to my high heel sandals forever
Become a maintenance product for my high-heeled sandals
Take care of my soles
Stepping on them relaxes me
It will make me feel very happy
I like stepping on bugs the most hahaha
Come let me take a picture of my friend
Look at these corpses that I trampled to pieces haha
let her
Let her also study hard
I’m going to catch some more bugs and come back to stomp them again.
I went to catch some bugs again and came back to stomp on them again.

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